Click on the “My Organization” button above to view and edit information about your organization, including contact type (Primary, Secondary and Other) for all your organization’s contacts. Note that only member representatives from your organization that have been designated as either Primary or Secondary contacts, may update this information, including changing the status of an individual contact from “Active” to “Former.”
Click on the “My Account” button above to view and edit information about your individual user account, including your job title, phone number and to change your password. Note that your business email address cannot be changed since its domain (what appears after the “@” symbol) must match an authorized domain provided to AARMR by your organization – and, as such, verifies your access to Members Only content on this website.
To access the most up-to-date CONTACT INFORMATION for an AARMR member, hover over “Member Information” in the main menu above (to the right of the AARMR logo). Select either “General Members” or “Affiliate Members” from the drop-down list. The member organization’s Primary Contact is listed first, followed by Secondary Contact(s).
To access materials from past examiner training schools, conferences, and other meetings, including video recordings and handouts, scroll to the bottom of this page and use the pull down menu of years. (NOTE: Only General Members may access materials from Training Schools).
Ask a Regulator
Have a question for AARMR’s state regulators? Fill out this web form to submit your question and have it emailed to them.
Anyone working for an AARMR General Member (state regulatory agency) or Affiliate Member (company from industry) can use the form below to submit a question to all 56 General Member state agencies. Your question will be distributed only to the Primary and Secondary Contacts from our General Membership (there are a maximum of 4 individuals per member agency designated as Primary or Secondary Contacts, so that means Ask a Regulator emails reach a maximum of 224 individuals).
After submitting your question, which is limited to 300 words, AARMR’s executive director will review the question for appropriateness, and, if approved, will then distribute your question by email to the General Member representatives. The representatives will be instructed to reply directly to you, using your business email address that you use to login to this AARMR website.
A few weeks after your question is submitted to the General Member representatives, AARMR may contact you for information about the number of responses you received, whether you are satisfied with the answers you received and whether you’d like AARMR’s Emerging Issues Committee to take any action regarding your question.
To submit a question, please complete all of the fields below and click ‘SUBMIT’ at the bottom. Contact AARMR’s Executive Director at [email protected] with any questions.
"*" indicates required fields
Access archived materials, including video recordings and handouts, from examiner training schools and other meetings or conferences from prior years.
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2022 Annual Regulatory Conference
Speaker presentations approved for distribution can be accessed by clicking on the individual links below.